White to move
White played 65.g6 and was subjected to a series of checks that ended in stalemate.
White to move
Nearly every move wins except 55.Kf6, which was played in the game.
White to move
64.Qg3# ends Black's charade, but instead White played 64.Bxf3.
White to move
Here also, White played Qc3 instead of the simple Qa1#.
White to move
That White played 41.Rxg2 justifies Black's decision to play on in a hopeless position.
White to move
White's king needs to head towards d7 to free Black's king from a trap. Instead, White played 56.Kh7 and gave Black a choice of drawing moves.
Sometimes the weaker side can trap the stronger.
Black to move
53...Kf6 kept the White king stuck in front of its pawn.