Start with checkmate in one, then find two move checkmates, then three and four moves. The longer problems are from the same games as the one move problems. The player to move and the number are indicated above each problem.
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checkmate patterns
Elementary skills
Problem of the Week
scholastic chess
Solve This
Progressive Tactics
Progressive Tactics
Lesson of the Week
Start with checkmate in one, then find two move checkmates, then three and four moves. The longer problems are from the same games as the one move problems. The player to move and the number are indicated above each problem.
Start with checkmate in one, then find two move checkmates, then three and four moves. The longer problems are from the same games as the one move problems. The player to move and the number are indicated above each problem.
1. Black in one
2. White in one
3. Black in one
4. Black in one
5. Black in one
6. White in one
7. Black in two
8. White in two
9. Black in two
10. Black in three
11. White in three
12. White in four
Category → Progressive Tactics » checkmate patterns , Elementary skills , Problem of the Week , scholastic chess , Solve This » Chess 2 Skills