White to move
The key elements of the position: Black's knight is pinned, the d-file is open and both queens stand there, a knight is poised to jump to d5, which Black's c-pawn does not prevent.
This game continued 10.Qxd8 Rxd8 11.Nd5 Rd6 12.Nxc7 winning a pawn. This morning, my opponent opted not to save the rook with 12...Rb8.
A similar position appeared in the first round of the 2009 Washington Open.
White to move
I was disappointed that I managed only a draw in that game, but the event itself is notable because I finished with no losses and the event lifted my USCF rating into A Class.
In a memorable correspondence game on Chess.com, the key elements of the position appeared again.
White to move
In this game I played 10.Nd5 which may be more accurate than 10.Qxd8. I usually see this sort of position in blitz.