Friday night, before our blitz game, we were discussing this summer's City Championship, which could be a rematch of last year. I commented that getting past Michael Cambareri and Jeremy Krasin will be tough, and "I'm not getting any younger." To play in the City Championship, I need to win the Contender's Tournament. "Your rating is not getting higher, either," Nikolay noted. It is true that I have dropped to 1900 from my peak of 1982, and was briefly 1899.
I won the blitz game, but lost games to Michael and Jeremy. Michael won the blitz tournament. Jeremy was second. I was third, and Nikolay finished fourth.
In round four of the Inland Empire Open, I had White against Nikolay on board two. Michael was on board one against Cameron Leslie. They were the only players with 3.0. Jeremy was on board three. Nikolay, Jeremy, and I were the only players with 2.5.
Stripes,James (1900) -- Bulakh,Nikolay (1980) [A29]
Inland Empire Open Spokane, 18.05.2014
The Benko Opening earned its name at the 1962 Candidates Tournament in CuraƧao. Pal Benko played it in his first eleven games with the White pieces, beating both Bobby Fischer and Mikhail Tal. It usually transposes into something else.
1...Nf6 2.c4 e5
We have an English Opening, Sicilian Reversed. In the 1990s, the English was one of my main weapons with White. I have some experience on the Black side as well.
3.Bg2 is more accurate.
3...Nc6 4.Nc3 b6 5.Bg2 Rb8 6.d4 exd4 7.Nxd4 Bb7N
White to move
I did not like 8.Nxc6 Bxc6 9.Bxc6 dxc6 10.Bg5 or 10.Qa4, but it was better than my choice.
8...Bb4= 9.Nde2?!
9.0–0 is better.
9...Ne5 10.0–0
Seemed to be my only move
11.Nxc3 Nxc4
White gets a lot of activity for the pawn.
White to move
I had two somewhat better choices:
12.Qd4! Na5 13.e5 Ng8 14.Qg4 Kf8±
12...Ne5 13.Bf4
According to my engine, 13.f4 is better. 13...Nc6 14.e5 Ng8±. I do not play like an engine.
13...Qe7 14.Qb5
Black to move
Nikolay spent nearly thirty minutes on this move. I took a walk while he was thinking, trying to make certain that I could get in my 10,000 steps for the day.
The computer prefers 14...c5!
15.h3 a6 16.Qa4 Nf6 17.Nd5 Nxd5 18.exd5
Black to move
18...0–0 was probably best.
19.Qc2 was my second choice, but is the first choice of Stockfish.
19...d6 20.Rfe1 f6?
I expected Nikolay's move and he played it quickly. Engine analysis reveals 20...0–0 21.Bxe5 dxe5 22.Rxe5 Qd6 and White has a slight edge.
White to move
From this point on in the game, the computer's evaluation is a decisive advantage for White. What such evaluations mean in human terms is that White knows that he should be doing well and feels the pressure. Nerves become jagged. As other games finish, a crowd gathers to watch the game, increasing pressure on the players.
21...0–0 22.f4± Qd7 23.fxe5 dxe5 24.Qc5
Black to move
I felt that I had a comfortable position. I was also ahead on the clock at this point with 49 minutes remaining to 22 for my opponent. Such "comforts" rattled my nerves and I started to notice the crowd of spectators.
24...Rfd8 25.Ba5 Rbc8 26.Red1 Qf7 27.Rac1 Rd7
White to move
Does this move merit two exclamation marks? I spent about ten minutes on the move.. The tactics seemed rather complicated under the pressure of the tournament hall, but less so on Monday morning. This move forces issues and carries the game to its natural conclusion (although this "naturalness" was far from obvious during play).
28...Bxg2 29.Kxg2 Qxa2
I expected 29...c6 30.Bc7 Qxa2 31.Qxc6 Qxb2+ 32.Rc2 Qb3
Not the best move, according to the engines. Nonetheless, it was important to me to reach an ending where I could maintain control with minimal complications.
30.dxc7! Qxb2+ 31.Rc2 Rcxc7 32.Bxc7
30...Qxd5+ 31.Rxd5
Black to move
Again I expected 31...c6 32.Rd3
32.Bc7 c4 33.Ra1 Ra8 34.Rxb5
An elementary tactic further simplifies the position.
34...axb5 35.Rxa8+ Kf7 36.Rb8
At this point, I thought that my win should be fairly simple. I also had nearly thirty minutes left on the clock, while Nikolay was down to about eleven minutes. A large crowd hovered near our table.
Black to move
36...Ke6 37.Rxb5 e4 38.Rc5 f5 39.Rxc4 Kd5 40.Rc1 g5 41.b4 e3
White to move
Time for some counting
This move invites counterplay, although the win remains fairly straightforward.
42.b5 is best.
42...Kd4 43.b5 Kd3 44.b6 g4+ 45.Kg2
45.Kf4! I should have calculated 45...gxh3 46.b7 Kd2 47.Rc5 h2 48.b8Q h1Q 49.Qb2+ Kd3 50.Qc2+ Kd4 51.Qc3#.
45...Kd2 46.Ra1 f4 47.gxf4
Black to move
47...e2 48.b7 e1Q 49.Rxe1 Kxe1 50.b8Q
48.Kxh3 Rg7 49.b7 Ke2 50.b8Q Rg6 51.Qb5+ Kf2
51...Kf3 52.Qd5+ Kf2 53.Ra2+ e2 54.Bb6+ Kf1 55.Qh1+ Rg1 56.Qxg1#
52.Rf1# 1–0
I reminded Nikolay that someone had told me on Friday that my rating was not going up.
I was tired after this game. After a rushed lunch, I sat down to play Cameron Leslie on board one. I dropped a pawn through an opening blunder. Unlike this game, I did not get any play for the pawn.