Stripes,J (1999) -- Internet Opponent (2036) [B41]
A Website, 13.03.2015
1.e4 c5 2.d4 cxd4 3.Nf3
I've been playing around with this move order because I've been studying the games of Paul Morphy.
3.c3 The Smith-Morra Gambit is the usual reason White plays 2.d4.
3...e5 4.c3 (4.Nxe5?? Qa5+–+)
4.Nxd4 a6 5.c4
I play a move that has given me trouble when I've been on the Black side in this position.
5.Nc3 is the most popular choice.
5.Bd3 does well statistically, and was the recommendation of something I read when I started playing the Kan several years ago.
5...Nf6 6.Nc3 Bb4
White to play
7.Qd3 is probably best. See Carlsen -- Anand, Game 6.
7.Qf3 is good.
7...Qc7 8.Nc2
8.Qb3 also scores well.
8...Be7 9.Be3
9...0–0 10.Be2 Nc6 11.0–0 Ne5
11...Rd8 offers White more difficulties.
12.b3 d5!?
White to move
At first, this move looked dangerous, then I saw that my vulnerable knight would be the second White piece to capture on d5.
13.cxd5?? Qxc3-+.
13.f4 was also good.
13...exd5 14.Nxd5 Nxd5 15.Qxd5
Perhaps Black has compensation for the pawn.
15...Be6 16.Qe4 f5 17.Qd4 Bf6
17...Rfd8 18.Qb6
18.Qb6 Qxb6 19.Bxb6
Black to move
19...Rac8 20.Rad1
I had been thinking about the vulnerability of this rook on a1
20...Nd7 21.Bd4 1-0
White is a pawn ahead, but there's plenty of play left in the game. Black's resignation seems premature. I was not really tested in this game, but it's always nice to win.